Tuesday, February 10, 2009

DPI magazines

I don't remember how I got to DP Magazine's website, or how I came across it at all....All I can remember is that I was fascinated by the fact that they have tons of interviews of current graphic designers, illustrators (editorial and fashion, even book covers), 3D animation artists, character designers, interior decoration artists, etc. Most important of all, they're all currently working and self-employed. That means what they know about Arts and Design are very current, not old-fashioned.

The thing with the magazine is that it gives you the most updated knowledge in the area of your interest. I found DPI Magazine a very useful source to understand what the work is like in France, Ireland, Britain, Italy, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, and many other countries without sourcing the country. PLUS, the magazine tells you how each artist make their own art, where they find their inspiration, facts about their education, and their work process. This publication is written in both Chinese and English, so it automatically broadens the range of readers right on the spot.

Here's the link:

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