Saturday, May 7, 2011

Color Theory Workshop Part I

On Friday, May 7th, I attended a color theory workshop hosted by ASA Club (art student association) in art department building. The workshop ran from 1pm to 4pm with two breaks.

I've got to say, I'm very very glad that I went!!!

The guest speaker, Kat Fon, is a graphic designer herself, and she has taught CSU Los Angeles after she got her MFA there, and then teaches in Westwood College in LA campus for 3 years now. What she had covered was simply something that we've heard from our graphic designer professors (or fine art professors) about RGB, Grayscale, CMYK, Duotone, and Bitmap in fine art, graphic design, and prints.

**Ok, I know this is pretty much like alien languages to whoever is reading this post right now, but if you are into fine art/graphic design/game art/illustration, then color theory class is a must take course that will save your life + career! Because everything starts from the fundamental (just like a foundation for building a house)!

She also talked about the difference between spot color VS process color when going into print (after the design part is done), and certain things that we need to look for when we get to that. She also shared an adds-on called Kuler that we can download from

What Kuler does is, it allows you to find color scheme for whatever design/atmosphere you're doing.....Let's say you are being hired to paint a dark, moody, surreal sky with a castle on top of the cloud, you need a color palate that shows all these descriptions (aka keywords). So in Kuler, you type in these key words, and Kuler will show you lots of color scheme for you, and you can save them!

Here is a link to Kuler:

You must sign up for a free account with Adobe so you can use this free feature! There is also a Kuler desktop widget that you can download, you don't have to go to the kuler's website to find color schemes if you're lazy.....So take advantage of that!

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